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11/14/2023 Interactive Website



Music Map is a website created by GNOD The Global Network of Discovery where on the main page you type in the name of a musical artist/band and it generates a map of other similar artists you may enjoy. The proximity is based on the likeliness of enjoying artists positioned close together on the map. Once you click on a name it generates a new map.

I used to use this website frequently in high school when I wanted to explore and find new artists to enjoy that I may have not encountered otherwise. I think it's fun to just keep clicking through different artists and watch as the maps change and once you have clicked through numerous times you end up in a more varied new place than when you started with your initial artist input.

I think it would be cool if the current system was able to add some more functionality and interactivity by playing a snippet of music when hovered over an artist or if on one of the sides of the screen, it gave links to an artist's information. I feel that this would add more of a connected feel to the site as opposed to you opening another tab to search the artist's names individually.

What I also like about this site is it gives you suggested and recent searches at the bottom if you're not sure who you want to search at first.

GNOD also has book and movie versions of this same concept




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