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9/28/23 Website follow up Blog Post


Some suggestions for my website were fixing some spacing issues in the in-between space between images on the home page and the area at the bottom of the site before the buttons, ensuring consistency.

I also am considering changing the titles of my navigation at some point and I want to add titles to my art display pages.

I also may add some kind of bordering to my main page that displays art as my other two pages have bordering and it might look more consistent that way.

I want to add more content and images to my site including adding images to my bio/artist statement page. I also need to write a better artist statement at some point.

I want to see if I can incorporate more of my Information systems classwork eventually.

I might add a splash page haven't decided yet.

I'm also considering adding more about other interests and influences like my Pinterest boards, books, podcasts, etc.


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